Saturday, August 7, 2010

When God Talks

This is what God spoke to me this morning through Job's life:

"Job was terrified that I (God) might be powerful but not good...I removed all sources of encouragement but one. I extinguished all the lights that had been guiding Job on a pleasant path through life, not to prove a point to Satan-I owe him nothing but hell- but to gain entrance into Job's heart with the light of My Presence. It was in the darkness of unexplained suffering that Job learned he was not the prosecuting attorney nor I the defendant. My message to him is My message to you (Melissa): I remain all-powerful and all-good in your darkest night. Trust Me. You don't know enough not to."

It was God's arms around me this morning.

Now, I wish I could say that I came up with these brilliant words. But, alas, it is not my own. I am reading an INCREDIBLE book, called 66Love Letters by Dr. Larry Crabb.

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