Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So it begins...

Well, the kids are off to school today. And I?? I am catching up on Facebook, email, and doing an hour's worth of job-searching. My eyes are all blurry now, so I'm about to get off this chair and start the mountain of laundry that's calling my name.

Last night Jacob, 7th grade, started crying when we got them all to bed. He's so nervous about being in a new school. It doesn't help that he's been Facebooking all his friends from Kansas. He began to sob when he told us he wants to go to Chisholm (his old school). But this morning, as he got up and had his little sis, his older cousin, Lindsey, and her cute friend Megan to walk with to the bus stop, he seemed much more at ease.

Anna is starting middle school today, 6th grade, which I can't believe! She turned into a teenager overnight! Now it's all about curling her hair for half an hour, putting on eyeshadow, and changing outfits three times before she walks out the door.

Caleb will be at his new school all by himself this year. It's the first time he hasn't had a big brother or sister to ease his fears. This morning I drove him to school and told him that I'd walk him to class if he wanted me to. "Sure, yeah, if you want." So as I drove past the drop-off lane and looked for a parking space, he says, "Ummm, what are you gonna do if you go in with me?" I replied, "Just walk you to your class." He changed his mind and said, "That's ok, Mom. I wanna go in by myself." OK...BACK to the drop-off lane we went. He grabbed his backpack, and hopped out. I wanted to hold on to him, but that could've caused a scene. 4th grade...hard to believe.

The funny part was coming I drove into the neighborhood, there are all the mid-school kiddos, waiting for the bus (mine, included). I did a "low-wave" to let them know I love them without humiliating them. How did they repay me??? They acted like they'd never seen me before!! The nerve! The gall!! Ah well, I am now officially the "un-cool" mom that I knew I'd someday be.

Today's Confession: I'm home alone with no one to take care of for a whole day!! Who's laughin' now!

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