Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rude Awakening

Ok...After yesterday's confession I found FOUR MORE of those "things" on my head!!!!!!!! And the horrible part about it is that I can't easily see my whole head to evaluate what they make me look like! I mean, what if I suddenly am looking, say 45-ish, and here I am, boppin' around town thinking, "Lookin' pretty good for 39!"??
So what did I do yesterday as I hugged the bathroom mirror, seeing those blatant shiny "things" coming out of my head? Why...PULLED THEM OUT ONE BY ONE, that's what! "This can't be happening", I kept saying out loud. And my dear husband is sitting at the computer, just grinning from ear to ear. Why? Because he has many, many of these shiny "things" on his head, and beard, and chest...but they look really sexy on him!
The tragic part of it all is that I just cut off the last of my damaged "boxed-color" hair last month. As I looked at my dark brown tresses I thought to myself, "Stand tall, my friend! God gave you a lovely shade of brown!"
At this point, you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking, "Get over it, sister!" And I don't blame you.
I can't explain why I've felt such fear about getting gray "things" on my head...we all have our vices, I suppose. All I can think of is that to ME it's the "official" beginning of Middle-Age living.

Today's Confession: I'll be making a trip to the store for "Chocolate Velvet" or "Bronzed Rubies"

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