This is a time in my life that I have to admit I don't feel very "funny", or "witty". God is taking us through things right now that have really turned my heart to more important matters, and although, yes, I still love to laugh and make others laugh, I have a sense of urgency that overrides my silliness.
For the past couple months Jarrod and I have been given a task; an uncommon task that a lot of people may never understand or agree with. It seemed to come out the blue, but I believe one thing: God is Sovereign, and everything that happens to us must first "filter through His fingertips".
We weren't "thrown into this", and we weren't "looking for trouble"- trust me. If we truly truly believe in the sovereignty of God, in the holiness and righteousness that He demands, then we have to understand that He really does use us for His glory and does want an intimate walk with us.
I firmly believe that we as "American Christians" are just so used to our little worlds and living our daily little lives. Do you ever really stop and consider that this is GOD'S world? That HE is in charge? That HE made us (and not we, ourselves)? That unrighteousness is real and abominable to Him?? Really?
Well, God met us in that place several months ago and we have never been the same. And we were thrilled at all He was doing in our personal lives and in our family. Because of this, however, there is a real "enemy" who is going to try to stop us; who wants to deceive us so that we continue to live happy American Christian lives, believing that life should be good, easy, and comfortable.
Wake up, dear friends. There is the Bible that God tells me that life should be good, easy, and comfortable. Abundant? YES! But our definition of "abundant" is far different than God's definition. In John 10:10 when Jesus tells us that He came to give us life, and life more abundantly, He was talking about life in His Spirit, not our earthly natural life. And so, if He meant our spiritual life, then the abundance has nothing to do with our "happiness". Now, I know I sound like "Debby Downer", but I just want you to understand, really understand, that this goes so vehemently against our feelings and our likes. We've come to believe so adamantly that we are supposed to have physical abundance- go to college or you're a bum, save for retirement so you don't starve, be thin and fit so you impress your Facebook friends, make enough money to look respectable, and by all means never admit that you are struggling.
I'll be the first to say: "Hey, world, I'm disqualified!!" ...and I'm glad.
We read our Bibles with our minds, not our spirits. If Jesus says,"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows...", do we honestly believe Him, and then NOT get angry or confused when it really happens?? And, peeps, I'm not talking about our Smart Phones getting dropped in the sink, or our spiffy new cars costing us too much. I AM talking about attacks on our reputations, or financial struggles that just come from living in a fallen world, sicknesses that cannot be understood, etc.
If Paul says in 1 Timothy 4" Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.", do we believe that it is really true today? And I'm not talking about "preachers" on TV who are wacked! I AM talking about pastors teaching things that simply make you feel good about how you're living, or friends/family who tell you that they don't believe God and His Word to be entirely true; teaching or beliefs that contradict what God Himself said and meant. (this is happening waaay more than we even know or want to know).
And those are just two "for instances".
I am fully aware of the fact that some of you may read this and think, "wow, she's weird.". I'm ok with that. Really...I'm OK with that, because I have come to the place in my life that acceptance by people is not my goal. My relationship and growth with God is what matters at the end of the day (and this life).
So I blog all of this for the purpose of letting you in on my life- to let you know that my Facebook life (what's for dinner and where my kids are) isn't all that's on in this heart of mine.